Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It hit me.

The society we live in pressures a lot of the our young people to look, act, and dress a certain way. Unfortunately, almost all of us get this feeling this way at one point in our lives. I never thought that I would be the affected by the society but it hit me. I started to feel very self-conscious last year and I began to be very concerned with my weight. It was after I started to get in tune with the media that I became this way. Unfortunately, I still feel that way sometimes and it gets hard. I find myself comparing who I am and how I look to everyone around me. It is not a good feeling at all and I realize that it is all a mental thing. I have allowed everyone around me to dictate who I am and I hate how it hit me. But over the past year I have been testing myself and trying my best to see my worth. I now realize that I am worth so much more than these people in the media make me feel like i am. I pray that all those who are negatively affected by the media realize their worth one day, and see that they are the only ones who can determine who they want to be see as.


  1. Media has a great impact on so many peoples life's, from the crime on TV and video games transferring to more violence in children and the rest of the population. And having a unrealistic, photoshopped, description of beauty. I feel that until more people start realizing there worth and beauty, as a whole this generation is going to be consumed by what the media has to say. it is not right and it is defiantly not something i agree with.

  2. I know what you mean. I think the media especially targets women. We are made to believe we must look like the stick models in magazines and tv shows. We waste so much money on makeup, clothes, workout videos etc. to try and fit this unrealistic view the media has created for women. It is unhealthy to compare ourselves to these celebrities and most of the time their pictures in magazines are photoshopped but we don't really think about it. In fact, they are not very perfect themselves, they have to use so much makeup in order to go out in public. We have put so much importance on how people look and so little on how a person looks on the inside. When in fact that is the part that truly matters because our character is the one thing that will remain with us even when we get old with wrinkled skin and white hair. Therefore, we should focus on developing our chracter. I know i have felt the same way as you but its important to forget about the media, as hard as it may be and simply focus on being happy with who you truly are.

  3. I completely agree with you that many young people are being affected by the pressure of how we should look. I also agree that the media has a lot to do with the phenomenon that is currently occurring. Sometimes the pressure is too much for some people and that is why we are seeing the incidents of anorexia, bulimia and other eating disorders rising. I think that it is unfortunate that in a society, which has the opportunity of so much knowledge and information, we are more focused on our physical appearances. I think that the media, who has a lot of reach and influence, should do more to emphasize accepting ourselves for who we are.
